Hello friends. How's the been been? Thank God it's Friday again. This morning during my prayer time I read something from a devotional booklet I use. It had to do with speech. One of the things emphasized there was how, many a time, because of lack of wisdom in speaking to people so many have driven away from their lives valuable people and relationships. Effective and proper communication is an art that everyone who wants to go far in life must learn. Sometimes it is not enough to know what to say, how to say it is also important, in fact far more important. We know that words are like eggs and once dropped they cannot be put together again. Therefore it is important that we are very, very deliberate and intentional in with our speech. We live in a time when people are so insensitive and just throw words at people whether close friends, family or even strangers without bothering about the effect on them. I read from the Bible in Proverbs that a ...