Someone said the scarcest form of love is self love and i agree. We tend to love others first and ourselves last. The greatest commandment given to us by that Great Rabbi of all times Christ Himself hinges on self love, it says after loving God with all your heart and all, then you are to LOVE your NEIGHBOUR AS YOURSELF. This means giving your neighbor the same kind of love you can give to yourself . This goes to show that you can only truly love others from the springs and depths of self love you possess. In other words, you cannot effectively love others when you haven't loved yourself enough. And what does it mean to love yourself? It just means a healthy view and appreciation of the totality of who you are. You see yourself as a valuable person and a source of blessing go others and not neccessarily needing another human being to make you feel that way or help give you your worth. This self love essentially stems from a deep relationship with your Creator...