During the Christmas season I was invited by a friend to go on an outreach to some orphanages with her. I quickly agreed and prepared towards that. We set out on the eve of Christmas and were able to visit two orphanages. When we got to the first one, we met one of the caregivers holding an infant of say 4-5 months and as we proceeded with the discussions and questions about how they do what they do the story of that little baby came up. She was born to a mother who didn't want her and wanted to kill her by suffocation until a friend of the mum walked in and caught her in the act and stopped her. She then suggested that instead of doing that let them take the baby to an orphanage and that was how she got there. This and several other stories about how most of the children got there were told and it was a sad and sobering moment for me and the other members of the team we went with. Many thoughts crossed my mind during those visits and I'd like to share a few of t...