Hello friends. How has your week been? It's attitude Friday again and today we'll look at 'Inbox etiquettes.' With the advent of the social media came with the chat features that allows people on most social media platforms to have a one-on-one conversation with their friends or whoever it is that they want to converse with. While this is a very effective and nice way of getting to know people and have meaningful discussions with them, it has also been subjected to abuse. We have had people just barge into a total stranger's inbox without any courtesy and begin to ask for favors or ask very personal questions. Some have even taken it so far and have used it as a medium for fraud. Social media is a huge opportunity to meet and create very lasting and profitable relationships if we know how well to approach. So what is an Etiquette? Merriam Webster dictionary defines etiquette as the rules indicating proper and polite ways to behave. Inbox et...