While perusing through the book of Esther i stumbled on something quite interesting I'd love to share here. Esther was of royal blood. She was a grand daughter of King Saul. No wonder she ended up marrying a King.😁 Hamman was a grandson of King Agag. Now Agag was one of the kings God told King Saul to wipe out. Saul spared that King and some of his household. Eventually when he brought him back God was displeased with his disobedience and had Samuel get another king. Samuel was the one who eventually killed Agag. Then many centuries later. Haman son of Agag meets Mordecai son of Saul and the old battle is revived. Hamman now wants Mordecai and all the Jews wiped out. Divine intervention is what eventually saves them. Lessons. - As a parent what you do or do not do will travel down your generation unborn. Both Esther and Hamman were not born when it started but because Saul didn't deal with the issue headlong, his children ended up having to fight that bat...