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Showing posts from September 24, 2017


Hello friends, How has your week been?  Today let's look at the attitude of gratitude. Gratitude has been defined by the Merriam Webster dictionary as the feeling or state of appreciation or thankfulness. As human beings in our day to day dealings with other people whenever someone shows  us gratitude for whatever help we render to them, it triggers this good feelings within us and makes us want to do more for them. It's the same thing with life, each time we are grateful for whatever we have we tend to align with the forces that attract more good into our lives. We live in very trying times truth be told and the tendency to always focus on what we haven't gotten or acheived is always there but inspite of that, there is always something good going for us no matter how little. If we take time to consider it we will be grateful. Being thankful for life is one of the strongest antidote against depression.  There is always something to be thankful for. ...

Between Seasons..

Earlier this week I took sometime to observe the weather. It was quite interesting and funny.  I saw an interplay of two seasons trying to exert their effects on the environment.  For instance, for us here in the northern Nigeria, our rainy seasons are gradually rounding up to give way for the dry season and harmattan to come in. The sky looked like it was going to rain but no real clouds, then there's a kind of haze building up in the atmosphere. I looked at it all and smiled and something dropped in my mind as an inspiration from that little observation. In life when we are about to leave one season for the next, it hardly just changes abruptly. Most of the time we go through that phase where there's an interplay between the two, they are times of challenges and tests. They are times when we have this haziness concerning the next phase. We know deep down that this current season is over but the next hasn't opened and so we are in the corridor of li...

Know your kidneys.

Hello friends it's another Tuesday, Hope you're having a great week? So today we'll be looking at a very vital organ in our body that is essential to our lives and well being, I'm talking about the kidneys. By way of introduction, we'll like to say that the kidneys are paired bean shaped organs located on either side of the back portion of the abdominal wall. The left kidney  is slightly larger and a bit higher than that of the right due to the presence of the liver on the right. The left kidney is located below the spleen. The kidneys are covered by a thin capsule of connective tissue and fat which serves as a form of protection in addition to the back muscles an part of the ribs. The Kidneys have a depression in the centre referred to as the renal hilus  where the  renal artery, renal vein pass in and the ureter begins.  The structural and functional unit of the kidney is the nephron which is a system of tubules and capillaries that are ...

Staying Afloat in Tough Times.

Hello friends, It's a new week again. Hope you had wonderful weekend? As you go into the new week just determine to be positive against all odds. Life these days just keeps getting pretty challenging and difficult. We live in the days filled with so much uncertainties and this is global. Every nation now has one challenge or the other it is battling with. The news headlines don't help either, they mostly scream bad news. So in the midst of all these uncertainties how does one keep afloat? - Have a conversation with yourself and come to a conclusion that you will succeed against all odds. - Choose what you listen to. There's an overload of bad news all over already, cut down on how much attention you give to it. - Listen to  things that will bring you hope. - Be grateful for what you have now even if it's just your breath. - Pray and seek for divine help if you believe in God. - Speak positively. -Have faith that things will get bette...