Education according to Wikipedia is the process of facilitating learning or acquisition of knowledge, skills, values, beliefs and habits. The system or process of education as we know is as old as man himself. The word education comes basically from two variants in the Latin word 'educare' and 'educere.' Educare means to 'bring up' and educere means to 'bring forth'. These two root words give us a clear picture of what education is meant to be done with. Society does not educate her citizens just for the fun of it, there's always an end that is hoped to be achieved with that information given to the student. In recent times however we have witnessed a global decline in the quality of this kind of education. Here especially in our 'obodo' Nigeria, we have seen how due to the falling and fallen standard of education, that most schooled persons do not really know what to do with the knowledge at their disposal. They...