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Showing posts from October 20, 2019

Dysfunctional Uterine Bleeding: Causes and How to Identify it.

 Dysfunctional  uterine bleeding that is not associated with the normal monthly cycle is one common case that keeps popping up among women of reproductive age.  This post is aimed at educating women about what it is and what to do when they experience such.  What is Dysfunctional Uterine Bleeding? It is no news that once a woman has attained puberty,  she begins to experience the regular menstrual cycle that involves bleeding once in that cycle which is monthly. Dysfunctional Uterine Bleeding therefore is any kind of bleeding from the female reproductive tract that occurs outside of this normal monthly cycle. Causes of Dysfunctional Uterine Bleeding. 1. PCOS( Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome). This is an endocrine disorder that affects the ovary causing it to produce lots of cysts and by extension excess female hormones such as the estrogen and progesterone. This excessive production will lead to a distortion of the normal levels required in the body a...

The Crisis of Identity.

When we went from placing value on what really matters to just external things humanity fell so hard and broke it's back. The impact of that fall is why we have so many people with low self esteem and terrible identity crises. Much more than failing economies, hunger, disease, widespread poverty is the crisis of the individual.  The crisis of seeking validation, of feeling some sort of worth and value. That inner questioning and probing that requires an answer. Sadly many people do not have the answer to that inner question. They then turn to things, all kinds of external things and invite them to come in and answer that inner man. Unfortunately the externals can't do so. They lack the capacity to answer those questions and the individual in a bid to either answer or silence that question seeks more of these externals and at every point they keep saying No, we don't have the answers. The individual is now confused, what do I do? Then he sights another human li...

My Ten Year journey in the Nigerian Labour Market 2

This year 2019 marked exactly ten years when I officially joined the labor market in my country Nigeria. This was after my National Youth Service.  This is a one year compulsory service to the nation that every graduate goes through before officially going to the labor market. I began the series by talking about my dad's career life because of the impact it had on my own journey through my career  so far.  So I'll be sharing my story and experiences in the different places I've worked and the lessons I have learnt. ----- ------ ------- ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------- During my NYSC days, we were constantly bombarded with the unemployment statistics. We were told how jobs were becoming scarce. This was 2009 o. If only they knew it would get this bad, they would have spared us the news then.😁 Naturally that created fear in our hearts but I always did something each time I heard those words. I always told myself I would find a job despite the scary sta...

My Ten Year Journey in the Nigerian Labour Market: In honor of My Dad's Working Life.1

My Dad's birthday was on the 15th of October. I write this post in honor of his impact on my life as a career person. I hope you find valuable lessons from it. -- ---- --- ---- ---- ---- ------ ------- ------- ------ ----- My Dad's  career life was in two major phases. First phase; he worked in the textile industry for close to two decades. Second phase; he went into the academia and remainded there till his demise. The first phase of his working life was in the textile industry. As at the early 80s way into the late 90s this industry flourished greatly in this country till it was grounded. He worked with the Funtua Textiles back then in Katsina state where they specialized in making plain cotton fabrics of different colors and texture and also cotton bed sheets of different kinds. Luckily for my dad he got a job in line with what he studied in school which was Textile science and technology. The job was very demanding especially since they worked with lots of ...