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Showing posts from May 13, 2018

Be Satisfied with YOU

As we strive daily to see that we make something good an worthwhile out of our lives, it is also important that we cultivate the habit of being content with what we have at a given time. We live in an era that is characterized by so much drive to 'make it', appear rich and successful and all of that. Now don't get me wrong, there isn't any thing wrong with wanting the goodies of life. What is wrong is when we begin to lose peace, joy and gladness because of what we haven't had yet. Contentment is a priceless virtue to cultivate if you must go far in life. It is simply an attitude that says 'I'm grateful for how far I have come and for the blessings and favors I got, while looking forward to a better tomorrow.' This attitude will deliver you from needless competition and that pressure to want to act like what you're not. It confers peace on you and gives your mind the needed rest, vigour and clear sightedness to plan for your to...