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Showing posts from July 30, 2017

Beautiful AFRICA.

Do you know that no matter where you find the dark skin if you trace it back you will find that it has its root in Africa? Do you know we are the only race in this whole wide world created with this unique skin color? Do you know that our skin color is the only one that can hardly be 'chemically' created? Even those who chemically alter theirs to other colors eventually come back to the original. That is how powerful the African color is. All others are common, the African skin is the only unique and distinct type in the whole universe. This alone should make us proud and confident. Interestingly the name Africa according to some historians is a gotten from the word 'Afru-ika' meaning the 'birthplace' or Motherland.  We were singled out to be unique and so is our collective destiny. Inspite of all that has happened to us and has been associated with us, our uniqueness and greatness will sprout again. Let's  do what we can to bring back the glory of t...

Wait for your BOILING POINT.

A few days back I was trying to heat up some water for tea and at some point I got impatient waiting for the water to boil and decided to increase the flame the more but I noticed that no matter what I did, the water was only hot and making some sound but wasn't boiling and at a point I gave up trying to fast forward the process. After a few minutes it suddenly began to boil and I was able to make my tea. While busy trying to fast forward the process of making the water boil at my own timing , a thought flashed through my mind that water does have a specific boiling point and if the temperature doesn't reach that specific point it would not boil no matter what I did. It became a food for thought for me a I drank that tea. Life generally is  divided into times and seasons and no matter what you do, you cannot jump or try to 'cheat on' the process of going from one season to the next. You have to go through it. Sometimes we try to do all we can to fast forward our ...