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Showing posts from July 8, 2018

Juvenile Diabetes.

Juvenile Diabetes seems like a strange word because that disease is usually associated with adults. But in this article we will look at what that really means.  Sometime last month i was chatting with a friend on issues of diet and she went on to tell me about her observation on how a lot of modern parents in a bid to make their kids feel good or pampered stuff them with all kinds of unhealthy snacks coated with so much sugar and unhealthy preservatives. I remember also reading an article few years back about how exercises were forcefully added to school curriculums in one of these advanced countries in the middle east as they observed lots of their children coming down with obesity and diabetes. These two scenarios prompted me to write this post especially for parents, to mind what their children eat. --------- ------------- ------------ ---------- ------------- What is Juvenile Diabetes? This is a chronic condition in children in which their pancreas produces little o...