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Showing posts from September 3, 2017

The Place of Honor in Relationships.

'Give honor to whom honour is due' is one very popular saying that we are all familiar with. But what exactly does it mean to give honour? According to the Oxford Living dictionaries, Honor as a verb is defined as having great respect for or give public respect for someone or something. It also means to hold someone or something in high esteem may be based on their worth, value, accomplishments or position in life. Honour is basically a thing of the mind. It is how we view and accord importance to thet thingswe perceive as worthy of our respect which in turn reflects in the way we treat or handle such people or institutions we perceive as honorable. Honour is earned, it is not something that is inherited. Something has to be done or a feat achieved for you to command that respect from people. When we know someone or a thing is Honorable what should be our attitude to it? What do we stand to gain or lose when we honor or dishonor people? We have alread...

Introducing Attitude Friday.

Hello everyone and welcome to our maiden series of Attitude Fridays. This series was born out of a need to once again re-educate our young people especially on the fast fading but timeless values that have opened doors of opportunities for people in the past. We have noticed how ignorance of these values have robbed so many of lifetime privileges which has ended in making them unhappy individuals who wonder why thing haven't turned out for good for them. This series is dedicated to fixing this problem because  is what we do here. Sit back, relax and enjoy the ride.

Challenges; Your response.

Disappointments, failures and down times are part of what is contained in the package of life graciously given to us. The art of true and fulfilled living isn't necessarily a life free of these but a life that thrives and flourishes inspite of it all. At various points in life one will come face to face with these challenges and tough situations but deciding what to do with it or how to respond is what will determine the quality of life one will have at the end of the day. So what should you do when challenges come? 1. Know that it is common to all men.  There's hardly anything you face now that someone hasn't faced and conquered before. 2. Every challenge has a solution and most times the solution is embedded in the challenge. This means you needed to sit down  and critically look at your challenge to be able to find the solution. 3. Believe it is possible to overcome your problems. 4. Know that most problems and challenges are opportunities in disguise...

The Bone is an organ.

From our basic sciences most of us already have some knowledge on the bones as that part of our body responsible for our being able to have form and shape and even move freely. While this is true, we'll be looking at an interesting picture on the make up of the bone. Yes as our topic implies, the bone is an organ. I'm sure so many of us may not have looked at it from that angle. Why do we call the bone an organ? The biological definition of  an organ tells us that it is a group of tissues that perform a specific function. This means that the bone is a collection of certain kinds of tissues that are specialized in providing rigidity and shape for the human body as well as other functions which we shall see. Types of bones. We basically have two types of bones based on their make up and they are as follows; a. Compact or Cortical bone: As the name implies it is that part of the tissue bone  that forms the hard exterior. -This type of bone is strong and dense. - ...

Introducing the Healthy Tuesday series

Hello friends and esteemed followers of this blog, we'll be starting a series every Tuesday known as the Healthy Tuesday. The aim is to help create a lot more awareness on how the human body works in the simplest terms which in turn will help us appreciate our bodies and care for it much more. So stay tuned.