-------------------- ---------------- --------------- ------- What is Ovulation? This is a period and a process where a mature egg is released from the ovary, pushed down the fallopian tube and made available for fertilization. This process is usually part of the events that occur in a normal woman's monthly cycle. It is also considered the most fertile period in a woman's cycle,meaning chances of getting pregnant are quite on the high side. Signs of Ovulation. 1. An increase in the basal body temperature of the individual about 24-36hours before ovulation occurs. 2. A change in the cervical mucus. It becomes clear, stretchy, slippery like egg white. 3. A sudden rise in the blood level of the Leutinizing hormone. This can be detected in the urine with the help of specially made ovulation predictor kits. 4. Breast tenderness in some women. 5. Increased sex drive. 6. Slight cramping on one side of the pelvis. Factors that affect Ovulation. - Blocke...