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Showing posts from October 15, 2017

Using your Envy well.

Hi friends, how has your week been? Well thank God it's another weekend and a lot of us can finally rest after a busy week. We'll be looking at a character traits that is very common among people these days. It's the issue of envy. What exactly is Envy?  Meriam Webster diction defines envy as that painful and resentful awareness of the privilege enjoyed by another joined with a desire to possess the same advantage. Envy in the real sense is a negative emotion but how we respond to it determines what actions we take and the consequences that follow. Envy is like an alarm system on our inside that wakes us up to the things we wish we had but hadn't taken notice of or made much effort to achieve or haven't understood how to achieve it. This alarm always goes off the moment we see someone having that very thing we so much desire. Now according to Psychology Today, envy can be benign or malignant. What this means is that your envy can either drive yo...

Your Liver wants to be known II.

Hello friends, it's another Tuesday again and we'll be concluding our discussion on the functions of the liver and then we'll look at it's disorders next week.. FUNCTIONS OF THE LIVER. The metabolic functions of the liver: 7. Carbohydrate Metabolism: It helps in the breakdown of carbohydrates into glucose and goes on to store the excess as glycogen. It also has the capacity to regulate blood sugar by releasing stored glycogen back into the blood as glucose in case of low blood sugar and mopping up excess and storing them as glycogen when it is high. This is known as the glucose buffer function of the liver. In the event of extremely low level of glucose liver can convert protein and fat into glucose for use of the body that process is known as gluconeogenesis. 8. Fat metabolism. The liver is involved in the metabolism of fat by producing large quantities of cholesterol, phospholipids, bile and lipoproteins that help break down and transport fatty acids to ...

Don't stop Running.

As you begin the new week just know that you have what it takes to succeed. It doesn't matter when the desired results will unfold, don't give up. Develop the habit of staying put on a project inspite of the odds against you. Learn how to have the 'staying power'. Stop quitting at the face of every discouragement. Face your fears because there is a green pasture waiting at the other side of that fear. You can do this. Don't let anyone discourage you.