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Hello friends,
How has your week been?

 Today let's look at the attitude of gratitude.

Gratitude has been defined by the Merriam Webster dictionary as the feeling or state of appreciation or thankfulness.

As human beings in our day to day dealings with other people whenever someone shows  us gratitude for whatever help we render to them, it triggers this good feelings within us and makes us want to do more for them.

It's the same thing with life, each time we are grateful for whatever we have we tend to align with the forces that attract more good into our lives.

We live in very trying times truth be told and the tendency to always focus on what we haven't gotten or acheived is always there but inspite of that, there is always something good going for us no matter how little.

If we take time to consider it we will be grateful.

Being thankful for life is one of the strongest antidote against depression.

 There is always something to be thankful for.

Do you know that something as common as going to the toilet  or peeing without any help is something to be grateful for? 

Do youknow someone can't do that?

How about the air you breathe?

If it was to be distributed by your government, do you think it would get to you?

Being grateful rejuvenates one's life, clears off the depression and helps you think clearly enough to find solution to your current challenge.

Make up your mind from today to find something to be thankful for and make it a daily routine and you'll see how amazing and peaceful your life will turn out even in the face of storms.

Someone said" if you can think very well you can thank very well."

Do have a gratitude filled weekend.
