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Lessons from a visit to the Orphanage.

During the Christmas season I was invited by a friend to go on an outreach to some orphanages with her. I quickly agreed and prepared towards that. We set out on the eve of Christmas and were able to visit two orphanages.

When we got to the first one, we met one of the caregivers holding an infant of say 4-5 months and as we proceeded with the discussions and questions about how they do what they do the story of that little baby came up. She was born to a mother who didn't want her and wanted to kill her by suffocation until a friend of the mum walked in and caught her in the act and stopped her. She then suggested that instead of doing that let them take the baby to an orphanage and that was how she got there.

 This and several other stories about how most of the children got there were told and it was a sad and sobering moment for me and the other members of the team we went with.

Many thoughts crossed my mind during those visits and I'd like to share a few of them here.

1. It's a privilege to have responsible parents who create a condusive atmosphere for their children to be raised in.

2. It's a privilege to have parents who decide to cater for your needs.

3. Sexual responsibility needs to be taught more than ever before. People just go around and have sex the way they like without giving thought to the fact that another human can come through that process.

4. That little girl who was rejected by her mum and even almost killed will live with that hurt for life except for the help of God and lots of care around her.

5. The greatest service to God is to serve humanity. This is one profound lesson I learnt from that visit as said by the owner of one of the orphanages.
Those guys have such large hearts to pick up children not theirs and care for them.

5. During our visit I also noticed a lot of people kept coming in to those places and donating their mites. It shows that we as a people are beginning to learn how to look out for each other.

6. We need to do more to support these institutions that cater for these kids. Each of the orphanages we went to we were told almost all the children were in school and mostly private schools and even higher institutions. And that requires lots of funds and logistics. We can make it a habit to go there from time to time to help towards raising these kids and giving them a good future.

7. Don't bring in another human being you are not ready for. Always have that at the back of your mind. It's a crime against their Creator and the consequences will be grave.

8. Always appreciate your parents, guardians and all those who sacrificed to get you to where you are. They could have chosen to do otherwise but they didn't. Appreciate them.

9. For these few in orphanages there are a lot more out on the streets who end up as nuisance and a threat to the society eventually because they do not know love or care.

Have a beautiful weekend.



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