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How much do you know about hernia?

Hello friends. How has the week been for you?

Today we'll be looking at something we are familiar with in terms of the name but hardly know what it is and what is responsible for it.
I'm talking about hernia. I remember discussing with someone not long ago and he was completely ignorant on what this hernia was all about and that really inspired me to write on it.

Hope you enjoy reading as you get informed.

What is Hernia?

Hernia simply put, is a condition where there is a weakness in a surrounding muscle or tissue which causes the surrounding organs, mostly the gut to push through it.

It could also mean the abnormal be protrusion of tissue or organ such as the bowel through the wall of the cavity in which it normally resides.

Hernias are most common in the abdomen but can occur in the upper thigh and groin areas.
Hernias can range from being asymptotic to life threatening depending on the severity and location of the hernia.

Sometimes they can require surgery to prevent potentially dangerous complications.

Common Types of Hernia.
Most hernias take up their names from the location where they occur and as a result we have several types but we'll be looking at the commonest ones.

1. Inguinal Hernia:
- It is the most common type of hernia.
 - Accounts for about 70 % of all hernia cases.
- This type occurs when the bowel pushes through a weakness in the lower abdomen, particularly the groin.
- The inguinal canal serves as a passage for the spermatic cord in men as it goes into the scrotum.
- In women the inguinal canal is a passage for the round ligaments of the uterus that support the uterus and keep it in place.
- This type of hernia is more common in men than women.
- Inguinal hernia occurs whebn at birth the canal those not close up completely and so leaves an opening that becomes prone to hernia.

2. Hiatal Hernia.
- This type of hernia occurs when part of the stomach protrudes up through a weakness in the diaphragm into the chest cavity.
- This type of hernia is common in people above 50 years of age.
- It makes such persons prone to having ''heart burn" due to the reflux of acid into the esophagus.

3. Umbilical Hernia.
- This type is most common in babies and children.
- It happens when their intestines bulge through the abdominal wall near their belly button.
- An umbilical hernia is the only kind that goes away on its own as the abdominal wall muscles get stronger, typically by the time the child is one year old. But if it persists you may need take your baby to your doctor.

4. Incisional Hernia.
- This type occurs at the site of a previously performed surgery.
When ever there is a weakness or tearing of the tissues around that scar it can lead to hernia.
- This is common in the abdomen.
- It can develop suddenly or over a long period of time.

Risk Factors for Hernia
- Overweight or Obesity.
- Chronic cough.
- Ascites( fluid accumulation either in the abdomen or pelvis)
- Lifting heavy weights.
- Chronic constipation.
- Family or personal history of hernia.
- Smoking.

- A painless bulge in the affected area.
- Heart burns
- Pains and discomfort.

Note: Sometimes certain hernias can become strangulated where they occur and stand a risk of having their blood supply cut off which can cause pain and tissue death due to a lack of oxygen.

Diagnosis of Hernia most times will be done by your doctor either through physical examination as well as employment of imaging techniques.

Most times surgery is used as a corrective measure.

Hope this has shed some light on the subject?
Questions can be asked in the comment section. Thanks.

Keith Moore's Clinically Oriented Anatomy.


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