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How much do you know about Low Blood Pressure?

Hello friends, how's the week going for you?

Today we'll be looking at something that's not so common or not given much attention. It's LOW BLOOD PRESSURE (HYPOTENSION).
A lot of us know so much about high blood pressure and what to do to manage it Incase it happens but little is known about its opposite which is the low blood pressure

Today's post will unveil this condition and help us understand how it happens and what to do.
Happy Reading!

Some facts about Low Blood Pressure
( Hypotension).

To start with, let's explain the concept of blood pressure itself and it's significance before delving into the subject proper.

The concept of Blood Pressure.

Blood pressure as the name implies is simply the force exerted by the blood circulating in your blood vessels i.e the veins and arteries.

An individual's blood pressure is expressed as what is commonly known as the SYSTOLIC/ DIASTOLIC blood pressure eg. 100/80. 100 here is the systolic, while 80 the diastolic.

The systolic blood pressure or the top number represents the pressure in the arteries(i.e vessels that carry blood with oxygen away from the heart to other parts) as the muscle of the heart contracts to pump blood into them.

The diastolic(bottom number) represents the pressure in the arteries as the muscles of the heart relaxes following it's contraction. Blood pressure generally is always high when the heart is pumping blood than when it is relaxing.

Now what is Low blood Pressure?

 This is a blood pressure that is low enough that the flow to the body organs is inadequate and symptoms or signs of low blood flow develop.

Things to note about Low Blood Pressure.

* Low blood pressure alone, without symptoms or signs is NOT usually unhealthy.

* Unlike high blood pressure, low blood pressure is defined primarily by signs and symptoms of low blood flow and not by a specific BP number.

* The symptoms of low blood pressure include light headedness,dizziness and fainting.
These symptoms are most prominent when individuals go from lying or sitting to the standing position (orthostatic hypotension).

* Low blood pressure that causes
inadequate flow of blood to the body's organs can cause stroke, heart attack and kidney failure. It's most severe form is shock.

 Risk Factors/ Causes of Low Blood Pressure.

1.  Decrease in blood volume brought about by moderate to severe bleeding.

2. Heart failure, which is causes the heart not to be able to pump enough blood to circulation.

3. Pericarditis: this is a condition where the tissue surrounding the heart muscles become inflamed and as a result some accumulation of fluid occurs within the sac which eventually compresses the heart, reducing its capacity to pump blood.

4. Hormonal problems like hypothyroidism is also indicated in low blood pressure.

5. Certain medications especially that meant for treating Hypertension, antidepressants also can lower the blood pressure.

6. Septicemia: This is a condition where certain bacteria causing infection find their way into the bloodstream and release certain toxins which have the capacity to cause a drop in blood pressure.

7. Alcohol and narcotics.

Diagnosis and Treatment.
* The cause of low blood pressure can be determined with blood TESTS, radiologic studies and cardiac testings.

* Treatment of LBP is determined by the specific cause of the low pressure.



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