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Tips for Managing Discomforts in First Trimester Pregnancy.

Pregnancy is an awesome and unique journey that a woman goes through.

From that moment when the test reads positive everything changes.

Your body begins a journey of several adjustments to accommodate the new life.

While the knowledge of a new life within you brings so much joy, it also comes with attendant changes that sometimes could bring discomfort to the mother.

So we will explore some of these discomforts and how to manage them.

1. Breast tenderness:
Pregnancy hormones will cause breast enlargement and soreness.

The remedy for this is to get a more comfortable and fitting bra that will reduce the discomfort.

2. Morning Sickness ( Nausea and Vommitting).

This is a very common occurrence among many pregnant women in the early stages of the pregnancy.

Sometimes it may just be a feeling of nausea but no vommitting and for others it is accompanied by vommitting.

Some of the remedies suggested are as follows;
- Eat less spicy or flavored foods.

- Invest in products that contain ginger eg. Ginger Tea, Ginger ale and the likes. It helps the nausea.

- Take your daily dose of Vitamin B6. Helps to reduce nausea associated with morning sickness.

- Don't get out of bed too quickly if you have no reason to.

- Drink lots of fluid

However if the vommitting is severe go and see your doctor.

3. Heartburn:
This is another very common discomfort in pregnancy. Occurs when the gastric acid in your stomach is pushed upward by the growing uterus.  This causes a burning sensation in your chest.

The Remedies are;
- Eat your meals in small portions through out the day.

- Don't eat too close to bedtime.

- Prop up your pillow to elevate your
 head above your stomach.

- Reduce intake of spicy foods eg fries, caffeine, chocolate.

- Certain Antacids can help. Consult your doctor on what to take.

4. Constipation.
Progesterone and the enlarging uterus can slow the bowel movement leading to bloating, gas and general discomfort.
To relieve this do the following;

- Drink lots of fluid.

- Eat foods high in fibre eg fruits and vegetables.

- Do some little exercise. Not severe ones please.

* Note that your intake of iron supplements may worsen constipation there fore it is advised that you take it with Vit C as it helps in the absorption of iron.

Do not take iron supplements with milk products as calcium in milk will slow the absorption of iron.

5. Frequent Urination.
During the first trimester, the uterus begins to grow and enlarge in the pelvis. When this happens it begins to put pressure on the bladder and as a result the urge to urinate becomes more frequent.

- The remedy is to limit fluid intake at night so as to reduce the visits to the rest room.

- Also kegel exercise can help to strengthen the pelvic muscles at this time.

6.  Fatigue:
As a result of the new life growing inside of you, your body will be going through some adjustments and this can result in you getting tired more frequently than before.

So to help manage this you should;

- try and take short naps during the day.

- go for brisk walks.

- eat protein snacks to energize

- do some mild stretch exercises.

- take lots of iron rich foods eg red meat, poultry, fish, peas, beans.

- go to bed early enough.

7. Insomnia.

For some women the increased hormonal activities and discomfort may affect their sleep cycle and some end up with inability to sleep well at night.

Remedies for this include;

- plan and prioritizing your sleep time.

- use pillows to prop you up.

- sleep more on your left side especially as the pregnancy progresses.

- Drink less fluids at night to reduce waking up to urinate.

The good news about all these symptoms is that almost all clear off by the end of the first trimester.

Though fatigue, constipation and frequent urination still come back at the third trimester.

In conclusion remember pregnancy is not a sickness, it's an adventure with you and your baby. So no matter the discomfort, enjoy it and have a positive attitude overall it helps.

Even if the circumstances surrounding your pregnancy is not such a happy one, try and be happy. Not saying it's easy but just try.

 Who knows you may be carrying a world changer inside of you.

See the brighter side of everything.

Much love.




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