One of the rising tides of our times is the issue of envy. There is so much of it in our atmosphere today. Lots of people find it very hard to be happy for the successes of those around them, be it family, friends, co workers or whatever. It is a big cankerworm eating us up.
Envy most times stems from a feeling of inadequacy or insecurity or a sense of scarcity. The moment someone begins to rise in that area you feel so low, it tends to awaken more clearly to you your need for that particular thing. That awakening in itself isn't a bad thing, the problem starts with how we most times respond to that awakening. Most people begin the cycle of hatred towards such successful individual(s) instead of gearing up to find out how he or she also got there and do likewise.
Envy is choosing the easy way out in dealing with your challenges. It empowers you to make excuses for your failures, to remain stagnated and possibly retrogress in the long run. Envy is the approach of cowards to success.
Envy has a way of stealing your joy and enthusiasm for life. It robs you of the positive mental energy you need to succeed. This is why if you desire a particular result, go all out and find out what it takes, pay the price and become one as well and while waiting for your turn at success to come, be grateful for what you have today. Count your blessings and you'd be surprised at how blessed you currently are and how unnecessary it is to have allowed yourself to be intimidated by someone's success. You have something unique to offer and so you do not need to envy anyone.
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