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How FULL is your single life?

A few years ago after taking a shot at one or two relationships that sank into the sea of life i decided to do a 360° turn and build my life. I looked at all my gifts i had allowed to be overgrown with 'weeds and spirogyras' of neglect and decided to go to work. I began taking a step to join the press unit in my local church and fortunately for me they were working on a magazine and were in need of articles and i submitted one on a medical issue and got such encouragements and accolades, that was how my abandoned writing skill was woken up ( i had last written any serious writing since my university days) and the rest is history today.

I brought up this story just to challenge especially those of us who are single and faced woth the temptation of putting a hold on our life pursuits because of that SHIP of relating with another on an intimate level. While it's a legitimate and normal desire inbuilt in all of us as humans yet it it wisdom to know how not to allow that put our lives on hold. It's not such an easy thing to do actually considering the fact that we live in a society that constantly harasses the sinlge person to get hooked up and get married whether they are ready or not and daring to be different can earn you the wrath and ridicule of this society.

For this reason I'll be listing a few things you can do to help you have a profitable single life;
1. Go on a journey of self discovery. I can't say that enough. Check out that thing you do that gives you that adrenaline rush, that thing that while doing it you feel like you're flying.

2. Develop that gift. Learn, study, attend classes, seek for people who have excelled and let them teach you.Self discovery gives your life a direction so much that anyone who comes along and wants to be a part of it will send that already you're on your way somewhere and would either adjust and fit in or go away. It helps you decide and define what kind of relationships you should have.
3. Love life. Go on vacation. It doesn't cost much nowadays, with as low as 5 thousand you can have so much fun.Check out travelling agencies online and see what they have.

4. Become responsible. Build character.

5. Do what it takes to be financially independent as long as it's legal.

6. Be a blessing to people around you. Make positive impacts in peoples lives.

In the long run you'll find that your life is blossoming so well that when you exit that phase of life you'll be satisfied and grateful you lived fully.


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